Welcome to Sphinx Gear
1971. The Stones sing Brown Sugar, Apollo 14 lands on the moon, Texas Instruments produce the first pocket calculator and the US Army begins to withdraw from Vietnam.
Bruce Lee is at the peak of his career and in San Francisco, Sphinx Gear Limited is born, a company that embraces the philosophy of the most eclectic of athletes: an open mind and clenched fists, and no obstacles between east and west.
Only style, performance and a thirst for victory.
Right from the beginning, Sphinx equipment boasted an original, unusual and cooler design, and word soon spread among athletes, who still endorse its success to this day.
Today, thanks to continuous innovation, top-level endorsements and the ability to clearly communicate its values, Sphinx is an increasingly lifestyle oriented brand and a global player bringing its leadership to the ring and to the lives of innumerable athletes in 46 countries throughout the world.
Sphinx Brand Evolution


